FIT Community Unreal Tournament
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SC* Clan

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Mensagem por [UTW]Nettles Seg Fev 14, 2011 4:46 pm

SC* - Special Circumstances

We are a Sniper, Low Gravity Clan... We play in much servers, like [UTW] Sniper Public Server, [UTW] 1 on 1 Server, Death And Gravity Server ( one of our servers )... We like to have fun, we play a lot in our forum, and have good times on TeamSpeak while we are playing UT.

If you want to join our forum and have some fun, there is the link:

[Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar este link]

Hope you enjoy it.

Mensagens : 16
Data de inscrição : 14/02/2011
Idade : 31
Localização : Portugal

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