FIT Community Unreal Tournament
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Tournament CTF - 03 Players in team

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Tournament CTF - 03 Players in team Empty Tournament CTF - 03 Players in team

Mensagem por |FIT|_Benny Qua Mar 30, 2011 8:31 am

Hey guys,
We will do differently on the tournament.
Currently we have few members in clans, so I have another proposal:
Let's make three players.
Need not be of the clan
Can a team of 03 friends.


Team 1: Pele, Romario and Ronaldinho
Team 2: Garincha, Kaka and Julio Cesar.


What do you all think?

We will organize a tournament!
Tournament (CTF) caputure the Flag.
Server: [PURE] FIT - TDM/DM/CTF - welcome all snipers
Ip Server:

Etc. ..
Please confirm the registration of your clan here. Please enter the name of the members of his clan will play.
I await the information.

Mensagens : 169
Data de inscrição : 13/01/2011
Idade : 45
Localização : Rio de Janeiro - Brail

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Tournament CTF - 03 Players in team Empty Re: Tournament CTF - 03 Players in team

Mensagem por |FIT|_Benny Qui Abr 07, 2011 12:20 pm


Mensagens : 169
Data de inscrição : 13/01/2011
Idade : 45
Localização : Rio de Janeiro - Brail

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